Annual Nephrology 2020 is the annual, 2 days face-to-face gathering for the entire Nephrology community. Enjoy inspirational talks & a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees to meet interesting people, learn from each other, and have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in Paris, France and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from Nephrology novices to experts.

The ultimate goal of this Nephrology conference is to discuss about the most effective cutting-edge strategies to help doctors to reach their treatment goals with patients with End Stage Kidney Disease and Renal Replacement Therapy and avoid the associated acute and chronic complications.

Internationally leading scientists in Kidney research are joining us here in to present and discuss their most recent research and achievements during this event.

What you can expect at Annual Nephrology 2020

  • Invited talks and panels
  • Presentations by the Nephrology community

The Nephrology keynote will start off the day full of insight from some of the world’s leading experts in Nephrology. Still have questions? Ask them at one of Nephrology’s panels featuring those at the cutting edge of the language.